Adding Google Analytics to AMP posts in Ghost

Ghost comes with AMP support, however there is no built in way to in the administration UI to add Google Analytics to your AMP theme. Fortunately, implementing this is relatively simple.

Adding Google Analytics to AMP posts in Ghost

I noticed that out of the box, Ghost comes with AMP support (as has done since 2016), however there is no built in way to in the administration UI to add Google Analytics to your AMP theme. This means you will be missing out on a portion of your mobile traffic in your analytics. Not great.

Fortunately, implementing this is relatively simple.

Download the starter AMP page template

You can grab Ghost's start AMP page template from their Github repository. Place amp.hbs into the root of your theme.

Add in the required Google Analytics code

There are 2 sections

In the <head> section, near the end of it, place the Javascript include:

    {{!-- Load amp-analytics --}}
    <script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>

After the <body> tag is opened add the following gtag configuration section. You will need to replace the UA-XXXXXXX-X with your own Google Analytics property ID.

    {{!-- Configure analytics to use gtag --}}
    <amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
        <script type="application/json">
                "vars" : {
                    "gtag_id": "UA-XXXXXXX-X",
                    "config" : {
                        "UA-XXXXXXX-X": { "groups": "default" }

You will then need to upload your theme to your Ghost blog, to which is covered nicely in this blog post.

Verify your AMP posts are valid

Option #1 - Use your browser's console

Visit any AMP post and add on to the end to the end of the URL #development=1 this will trigger the AMP validator to run. If you open the console of your browser, you should see something like this:

Chrome's console after visiting an AMP page with #development=1

If you see AMP validation successful. then you know at least the theme is still valid.

Option #2 - Use a Chrome extension

Another option (if the console is not your friend) is to use the dedicated plugin for AMP validation. There is one for chrome that I am aware of.

What the browser extension looks like when the AMP is valid.

Option #3 - Use a website

Likely the simplest option if you content has a valid public URL, visit and plug in your URL to your AMP post, and then see the results:

What the web based validator will look like after testing a valid AMP page.

Verify Google Analytics is working

Next steps is verifying that the tracking is enabled, you can prove this in the Network tab of your browser's console and filtering by google-analytics, you should see a request to a URL that starts off like collect?v=1&_v=a1&ds=AMP&aip&_s=1...

How to ensure that Google Analytics is sending the tracking request using the browser's console.

You can also just go checkout the realtime view inside Google Analytics itself:

If you see any realtime pages that include /amp/ on the end, then your analytics is working.

Further reading and extra for experts

For more advanced topics like tracking custom events, using a custom URL, please see the official documentation from Google on this.