Fastly Listing Fastly users that can access a particular service I was recently to supply a list of non-superuser user accounts that could access a given Service ID in Fastly, and what their role and permission was. This can be achieved with the Fastly CLI and command line utilities like jq.
Fastly Bulk import ACL entries into a Fastly ACL How to automate adding large amounts of ACL entries to a Fastly ACL
Fastly Fastly Soft Purge vs Instant Purge - what is the difference? What Fastly Soft Purge is, when it is useful, and how to use it.
Fastly Fastly Logging to Amazon S3 in JSON format One of the cheapest and easiest methods for logging in Fastly is to use Amazon S3. This post will examine how to set this logging up, some of the common gotchas I came across after running this in production for a while now.
Ghost Hosting Ghost in Kubernetes Ghost is traditional meant to be installed on a single VM. This article will explore how to get Ghost running inside Kubernetes.
Fastly Purge a single domain and it's content from a Fastly service with multiple domains One of the current limitations of Fastly is that you cannot purge a single domain from a service, without dropping the entire cache. This post will explore a solution to this.